

This is where we will post notices as you might see on our notice boards

Monday, 21 October 2024 13:14

2024-10 Presidents update No.2

We were notified mid September by hydragua that we were using more water than normal.  We instructed a leak inspection company to investigate. They couldn’t…
Estimados propietarios, Escribimos este correo porque se le ha solicitado a la Presidenta la retirada de las antenas comunitarias y es necesario recabar información antes…
Thursday, 08 August 2024 06:20


Estimados propietarios, Les informamos de que unos escalones de acceso a la piscina han sido aparentemente dañados de forma malintencionada, es decir, que el daño…
Dear owners, We have received an email, issued by the group of district Mayors, from the Orihuela Town Hall. They recognise the increase in numbers…
Saturday, 11 May 2024 13:05

Sad News - RIP Ged Power

On Wednesday this week, Ged Power passed away. It was totally unexpected and a great shock to all.
Tuesday, 26 March 2024 14:52

Change of Administrator

Estimados propietarios: Nos complace presentarles formalmente a nuestra empresa como nuevo Secretario-Administrador de su comunidad. Además les indicamos que la cuenta bancaria de su comunidad…
Monday, 10 July 2023 15:50


Yesterday, someone vandalised an area in the baby pool by removing a large area of tiles off the floor of the pool. Anyone caught disrespecting the pool…
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 09:59

Drain cleaning and spraying 14th March

Please note that the urbanisation drains will be cleaned/rat baited/cockroach sprayed on the 14th March
Monday, 12 September 2022 11:08

Please Note: Drain cleaning and fumigation

Please note that on Wednesday the 14th September, the urbanisation drains will be being cleaned/fumigated under our normal contract Thanks, Sue
Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:31

Warning! Merodeadores / Prowlers

Buenas tardes, Por favor, todo el mundo en la comunidad sea más vigilante, ya que ha habido informes sobre los merodeadores en la comunidad anoche.…
Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:34

2022-06-02 Aviso Importante

A todos los propietarios/visitantes: Ayer tuvimos un incidente en la urbanización que creemos que todo el mundo debería conocer. Un hombre entró en la urbanización…
Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:31

2022-06-02 Important Notice

To all homeowners/visitors We had an incident on the urbanisation yesterday that we feel everyone should be aware of.  A man came onto the urb…
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