Monday, 21 October 2024 13:14

2024-10 Presidents update No.2

We were notified mid September by hydragua that we were using more water than normal.  We instructed a leak inspection company to investigate. They couldn’t get to us until 10 th October

Shelia Halsall kindly let them in to the urb as I was back at work in the Uk. They have located the fault and submitted their findings ( and their bill). Alfonso our lovely pool man has been assisting me in dealing with them alongside our administrators because as you can imagine I have no skills in pool repair. We also needed to do some overall maintainance on the pool but until we knew what was happening with the water loss it seemed sensible to wait.

As of today we have a new selector valve fitted for the pool and hopefully this should resolve the issue with the water loss. Alfonso will now replace the cracked access covers and also replace the small mosaic tiles that are missing in certain areas around the pool. The pool ladders caused some concern this summer. Legally we don’t actually need them If a pool is less than 15 metres long they are not legally necessary. Our pool is 14 metres from the bottom of the disabled access to the deep end. The pool ladders are in a very poor state with rot and corrosion and are dangerous. Alfonso suggested removing all 3 ladders for now , filling in the holes and making good. We will take a vote at the AGM on replacing any / all of them. The cost for each ladder is around €300

The next thing is the state of the resin floor surrounding the pool The original man disappeared for a while we have been trying since April to get him to visit the pool and see the state of it. We were told that cleaning it was very specialist so have been reluctant to do anything that could cause a problem and we couldn’t find any one else with the specialists skills to do it. We now have a solution of sorts, Amanda from the administrators thinks she has found the original man and is chasing him to come back and clean it. Alfonso the pool man has suggested that a very very gentle jet wash might also solve the issue ..let’s see if original man comes back to us first Im also waiting for quotes for sorting out the shower area around the pool.

Fingers crossed things get sorted soon


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