Thursday, 26 November 2015 14:53

Gas Natural - Registration



2                   Elige tu perfil Select X

3                 Select AREA CLIENTES at top right hand corner

4                 Select Acceso Area Clients

5                Registro select this

6                Complete the form

  1. Email address
  2. Repite email (repeat email)
  3. Contrasena (password) enter a password which you decide on. Remember this forthe future.
  4. Seguridad de la conrasena (shows strength of your password)You do nothing here
  5. Confirmar Constasena – Confirm your password.
  6. Captacha – enter the code shown in the picture. If you can’t read it, click on the speaker icon and it will speak the numbers for you to enter.
  7. ENTRA (enter)
  8. Telefono (Telephone Number),
  9. Fecha de nacimiento (Date of Birth)
  10. Aviso Legal (Click yes)
  12. Tipo de Documento (type of document given when contract signed) NIE or Passport
  13. No, indica entonces: Select this option.
  14. Enter Reference Number from your invoice from Gas Natural (No.Referencia)
  16. You must enter the last 4 digits of your bank account.
  17. You will get a message saying ‘Para poder finalizar tu registro y poder..................’
  18. You have now registered your details.

An email will be sent from Gas Natural to the email address you gave during your registration. You must now wait for this to arrive.

This email will contain a section saying Estimado usuario:

Under this section you will see a part that says: 443/ovh-web/FinalStepValidatedEmail.gas?email=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.&;token=8.223547550079597E8">Pulsa aquí para confirmar el registro en Área privada.Select this

This will take you into your Private Area on the Gas natural web site.

Ensure your Username (which is your email address) and password (set up during registration) are entered.


You should now be in your private area.


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